This site is dedicated to the family Alziary de Roquefort (Alziari de Roquefort).
This family is an old french aristocatic family, which come from the region of Nice (South East of France)
Paintings were stolen in August 2006 near Lyons.
One of them is a portrait reprsenting Antoine Alziary (de Roquefort) who won the battle of Gilette in 1793.
On this painting, it is written :
"Antoine alziary, a gaigné la bataille de Gilette"
which means :
"Antoine Alziary, winner of the battle of Gilette"
This battle occured in october 1793 during the French Revolution, and opposed the French to the Austrian. During this battle, our ancestor was killed by a treator.
A portrait of Antoine was the ownership of the family Alziary de Roquefort (or Alziari de Roquefort) until it was stolen.
The family would like to get it back.
A reward is proposed.
You can contact Marie-Christine Alziary de Roquefort to the following phone number :
+33 6 62 37 06 76.
Thanking you in advance.